Cadiz, with more three millennium old, is considered the oldest european city of occident.
Nowadays, Cadiz is considered specialy for its history, not only in the national ambit also its influence in the process of the punic wars, the romanization of Iberia, the discover and conquer of America or the instauration of the liberal regime in Spain with our first constitution. Also the influence later in time for the constitutions of the independent spanish ex-colonies.
All of that is reflected in the ambiance of the city, in its streets, in the buildings and historical emplacements that forms part of each corner of Cadiz in the old center.
Because of its beaches (that surround the entire city) and its local festivities of national interest, the tourism is one of the main commercial sources of the city.
If there is something we can’t let it pass, is its gastronomy: The fried fish typical from cadiz, seasoned potatoes, the “doblaillo” sandwich and its confectionery are elements to taste in our travel to Cadiz.